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Moments of 2016



Residential Meditation Retreat and Chöd Practice at One Great Tree Retreat, Pahang.


17/02–03/03 This is Anam Thubten's fourth annual visit to Malaysia. A smoke puja blessing at the opening of Dharmata House was followed by a public dharma talk by Anam Thubten. After the one-week retreat in Janda Baik, wedding blessings and prayers for two couples (Alex/Cinly and KK/Mandy) were given at DH. So much fun and practice at the same time! Photos and a blog article (March 2016), Dance with No Dancer (Part 1, Part 2).


12/03 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk titled "Is There Anybody Home?" by Anam Thubten


19/03 Guided Meditation and Tsok Offering and Heart Sutra Chanting


26/03 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk titled "Small Enlightenment" by Anam Thubten




02/04 Guided Meditation and Tsok Offering


09/04 Guided Meditation & Dharma Talk titled "The Doorway to Transcendence" by Anam Thubten


16/04 Chant of Vajra Cutter Sutra & Tsok Offering


23/04 Guided meditation and dharma talk titled "Into the Sound of Silence & a poem with Anam Thubten"


30/04 Gentle Yoga & Therapy. 2-3pm Sat @ DH


30/04 Guided Meditation & Dharma Teaching by Anam Thubten




07/05 Guided Meditation & Dharma Teaching titled "The Body As Doorway to Luminous Mind"


14/05 Guided meditation and dharma talk titled "Great Emptiness" by Anam Thubten


21/05 Wesak Day @ DH, 2pm to 3pm ~ Lights Offering & Chanting of Vajra Cutter Sutra, 3pm to 5pm "Guided Meditation & Dharma Talk titled "Walking In Beauty" by Anam Thubten, Tsok Offering and Mantra Singing


28/05 Sacred Practice with Anam Thubten ~ Buddhist Meditation




02/06 Jade's kid's yoga workshop 3-4pm at OUG


04/06 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk titled "Walking In Beauty" (Replay) by Anam Thubten


11/06 Adults Kids Yoga at 2pm at DH


11/06 Guided Meditation & Dharma Talk titled "Surrendering to Life" by Anam Thubten


25/06 Guided meditation and dharma talk titled "Stop, Pause, Open Your Heart" by Anam Thubten




02/07 Guided Metta Meditation & dharma talk titled "No Self" by Anam Thubten


09/07 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "American Sutra" by Anam Thubten


23/07 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "The Secret of Stillness" by Anam Thubten


30/07 Guided meditation and "Pathway To Non Violence" by Anam Thubten




06/08 Guided meditation & dharma talk "Alive As Truth Itself" with Anam Thubten


20/08 Guided meditation & teaching titled "What Buddhism Is All About" by Anam Thubten


27/08 Metta Meditation & Mantra Chanting guided by Anam Thubten




03/09 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "Thank You To Life" by Anam Thubten


10/09 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "What is Your Original Face?" by Anam Thubten


24/09 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "Residing In Primordial Times" by Anam Thubten




01/10 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "Don't Grasp At Your Mind" by Anam Thubten


11/10 Visited Bodhi Heart after Yongey Mingyur's Rinpoche's retreat in Penang  


15/10 Guided meditation & dharma talk "Inquire Into Everything" by Anam Thubten. Celebrated Surya's birthday (page 3) at the same time.


17/10 A visit to Song Yan, Eco Leisure Village at Bukit Tinggi. Next stop, Angie's (Autumn's friend) home.


29/10 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "Living Scriptures" by Anam Thubten




05/11 Coffee/tea Satsang at Delectables (Glass House near Dharmata House) at 3 pm


12/11 Guided meditation & dharma talk by Anam Thubten


19/11 Group sitting and sharing at 805 


20/11 A visit to Batu Arang HIV-Refugee 


22/11 Dinner with Kangser Rinpoche at 6pm at the Lotus Pond restaurant at Taman Sea


26/11 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "Embrace Your Thoughts In Awareness" by Anam Thubten




03/12 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "BE THE LAMP" by Anam Thubten


10/12 Guided meditation and dharma talk titled "Step Out Of Monkey Mind" by Anam Thubten


17/12 Guided meditation and dharma talk titled "The True Joy of Being" by Anam Thubten


18/12 "Laghoo shankaprakshalana" detox (half intestinal cleansing) at .DH guided by Surya


Christmas Gift Exchange & Dinner Gathering at Mandy's place.


23/12 Many thanks to KK and Mandy for hosting the gathering; and to all sangha brothers and sisters for helping make this event possible. Are we having fun? You bet! View photos here. 


Silent Night, Silent Mind


24/12 Christmas Eve (Silent Night). Staying in overnite  with total silent at DH today. Check in by 6 pm. Alex also composed a poem in the silent of the night. We checked out at 8 am. Read about it here.


31/12 Guided meditation & dharma talk titled "Shaking Hands with Hungry Ghosts" by Anam Thubten




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