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For the Benefit of All

Sojong Reminder from Anam Thubten 8/2021


Dear Dharma friends,


This enormously complex human world is like a giant web: not only are we all deeply connected with each other, but everything we do has different degrees of impact on each of us. Such interconnectedness is not always obvious, especially when our ability to reflect on the nature of existence is lacking. In Buddhist psychology, such a state of mind is called moha, or ignorance. Ignorance is regarded as an undifferentiated mental state that is neither good or bad in and of itself, yet it serves as the source for many situations in the world that are not particularly beautiful.


This human realm is like one big family that shares collective karma. Our thoughts and actions can influence the lives of others in innumerable ways. Though this is a fact, it might not always be clear to us. If we knowingly do something positive towards someone, it might be easier for us to see that what we do can have a benevolent affect in that person’s life. We affect others not just with our actions, but also with what goes on in our consciousness. Even without knowing it, what we think and do has the power to shape the lives of others around us. This is also why many who grow up around those who are unhappy end up suffering later in life. We have the power to influence the interior realms of others.


The principle of the Bodhisattava’s path is to practice the Dharma, not for one’s own sake, but instead to benefit everyone in the world by helping them find both happiness and inner liberation. This might sound like a daunting task. We might even doubt whether we have the capacity for such a duty. However, simply because of a Bodhisattva’s altruism and the interconnectedness explained above, if we continue to cultivate awareness and love, we’re already creating something truly wholesome for the world. Some call it “good karma”. This world needs more true spiritual beings in order to make it a better one. Let’s realize our individual power to make a difference.


During this Sojoing, let me invite each of you to contemplate this topic, and hold the commitment to continue on this path for the whole of humanity. This is a natural expression of our Bodhisattva Vow.


With palms joined,
Anam Thubten


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