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The Realm of Unawareness

This has to do with the fact that even monasteries can be just part of the collective unawareness. When the majority are very much lost in their mind, thoughts, and beliefs, whatever that community might be, even a monastery can be just another world of unawareness.

Letter for Sojong 06/15 from Anam Thubten

Dear dharma friends,

In the ancient times many people gave up their ordinary world and went to the monastery to practice contemplation. This is true in almost every tradition. Eventually they even had to leave their monasteries to find more solitude in places such as the forest and mountains. And this was expressed in many sacred poems including those of Shabkar. He strongly expressed his desire to leave even the monasteries behind and enter into solitude where he could be completely alone and enjoy the wonder of nature.

Usually we think monasteries are a place we can escape to in order to be more contemplative. And yet these ancient masters often felt that monasteries were not the ideal place for spiritual practice. This has to do with the fact that even monasteries can be just part of the collective unawareness. When the majority are very much lost in their mind, thoughts, and beliefs, whatever that community might be, even a monastery can be just another world of unawareness.

Within the last few weeks I’ve been saying that the collective unawareness in the world is much stronger than the collective awareness. It seems that there are more people who are living in unawareness instead of awareness in this world. That’s OK too, this is simply how it is and we don’t have to judge it.

The problem is that there is no real true happiness or awakening in the realm of unawareness, and suffering just perpetuates itself when unawareness dominates. Unawareness is a state in which we’re completely lost in our beliefs and concepts, as well as our emotional patterns. We can be spiritual Buddhists and still completely be part of the collective unawareness.

Often it’s easy to be awake inside when we practice sitting meditation formally. Then we feel very insightful or liberated. And yet, the moment we get up to start interacting with people the awareness that we were just enjoying disappears and we are automatically sucked into the collective unawareness or the mental activities of those people around us. This is such an important thing to remember.

We just have to keep reminding ourselves to pull out of that unawareness which surrounds us all the time. The only place there is not so much unawareness is where there are no human beings. We have to learn how to be awake spiritually while engaging with the people everyday and being part of this human world. This is our real practice. Let’s hold the intention to do this in our heart.

Once again we are having a sojong and this will be a powerful time to contemplate this idea of collective unawareness and reflect on how we get sucked into it. And also it’s a great time to make strong conscious intentions to be in awareness in all situations. Intention makes all the difference.

With palms joined, Anam Thubten

阿南渡登捎来的甘露法語 ~ 于2016年6月15之八关斎戒日









阿南渡登 合十

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