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In Memory of Dark Skies

The brightness of neon lights blasts our eyes. Not letting us enjoy a moment of peace, It bombards us with calls to consume.

Thousands of cars buzzing late at night. Headlights illuminate everything like day. Noise fills the earth like endless thunder.

In our memory, Once upon a time, There was a beautiful dark sky , Sprinkled, jewel like, with countless stars, The Milky Way stretching to the edge of space The music of silence with a chorus of crickets singing, The plants waking up under the blessing of the full moon.

Modernity brought an unbreakable curse upon us. We are the wizards, And we are the victims.

Not very long ago, We humans had a choice, Luxury or simplicity, Nature or distraction, Greed or contentment, Beauty or artifice.

There is a strong pull that draws us to the demon of wanting. It is a desire hard to resist, It keeps growing every decade, It is the one that eats the planet, It cuts down all the trees, It plows the earth for minerals, It eats a sea of creatures to feed old habits.

Are you ready to hear the bitter news? The choice is already made, There is no going back. At the end of this path, All you can see is a graveyard. Divine intervention doesn’t seem to be on the way.

Yet in each of us, A pristine dark sky can be found When we bring our intention inwards.

Feel your breath, Feel your feet touching the ground. The wave of thoughts subsides. In the space between thoughts, Luminosity, Serenity, Clarity, Relaxation, Aloneness, A Sanctuary where you can escape from the man made chaos.

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