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Here is the poem that was offered last evening for those who could not join us. Deep bows of gratitude and much love to all the Malaysian sangha. 💕🙏💕

Morning kitchen nourishing one another with the silent talking our hands dance over the vegetables in sacred mudra of washing peeling chopping

Wild chili wild eggplant wild rice...wild cook! jungle food awakens the senses preparing us to receive the Teaching

Like the boundless sky Sifu rains down the 'Sem Trid' purest nectar sometimes drop by drop other times a downpour bathing us in a sea of compassion

Yet somehow this mind is still stuck in the mud so crazy clinging to old mental garbage floating by false salvation dukkha addiction

Grace appears

in the space between thoughts

I turn towards the Upasikas enlightened refugees all around me

A child once more Malaysian brothers and sisters take my hand showing how to walk with beauty in all directions practicing the art of kindness surrendering to what is surrendering to Love again and again and again

What Joy! this living breathing family of sangha our true refuge the Path itself

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