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The Secret Of True Freedom

Whether we’re aware of it or not, there is usually pain in contraction. Many people often live in this state like a habit and it has endless negative or ego centered tendencies. In this karmic tendency, the negative thoughts and emotions arise much more easily than something like love.

Sojong Reminder from Anam Thubten

Dear Dharma Friend, One of my recent retreats in Asia was titled “Journey from Contraction to Expansion”. The wonderful organizer made a red cloth handbag for each participant. We said that the bag can be turned into a holy robe that we can wear around our necks as a reminder of this journey.

Contraction occurs in the states of consciousness where we feel fear, anger, jealousy or anxiety. Whether we’re aware of it or not, there is usually pain in contraction. Many people often live in this state like a habit and it has endless negative or ego centered tendencies. In this karmic tendency, the negative thoughts and emotions arise much more easily than something like love. Self-concern can contract us and most of us are pretty caught up in that cycle. At the same time, out of the grace of the universe, our consciousness also naturally opens and expands with love and joy.

In this context, expansion is really the same idea as when Tibetan masters talk about residing in a state called Guyang Lode, which means being spacious and happy. The masters say that this is even as high a state of consciousness as inner liberation. Guyang Lode is a state of mind and heart where we are no longer controlled by fear or worry. We genuinely feel trusting of life and are going along with the flow. In this state, we have a sense that there is no fundamental problem.

Towards the end of our weekend retreat on the Lojong here in South Korea, a nun said that she thought she had problems and then realized there is no problem. Lojong is all about changing one’s perspective towards everything and seeing the spiritual aspects of all things. For example when misfortune strikes, it can be regarded as an opportunity to find peace, courage, or to surrender to what is by learning to let go of our preferences. When we change our perspective, we change our reality without changing the situation. The secret of true freedom is to apply these enlightened perspectives in all circumstances.

During this Sojong, please take a moment to recognize your limiting perspectives on life and hold the intention to carry more enlightened viewpoints on everything.

With palms joined, Anam Thubten

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