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I Am Alive

The world gives a sermon not from a pulpit or pedestal and often without words sacred messages are found everywhere. With the right attention they’re not so hard to find.

In the early morning the sun begins to rise the quietness of the night can still be felt a dewdrop on a blade of grass shimmers too small for anyone to notice. Through careful attention the sublime can be seen.

Someone took a picture of it and won a grand award for its beauty. The photographer became famous though many still don’t see all its nuances.

Close your eyes for a minute when you open them imagine that you are just born embrace all as new. Take a deep in breath drink the nectar of existence . We might not see tomorrow’s sunrise.

The demon of the past strikes with grief. Vow not to feed him let his being slowly fade.

What flower might blossom in the garden? I do not know. Let’s wait here with joy there can be many roses. This is how I greet the unknown.


阿南渡登著 粘耀仁譯

大千世界在說法 非道場 非壇座 恆常悄然地 隨處矗立莊嚴聖景 倘若正念 不難尋覓

即使清晨旭日東昇 昨夜寧靜猶存 草葉間露珠晶瑩閃爍 微渺 無人知曉 惟一心不亂 方有所見

即使大眾多不解其中奧妙 仍有人捕捉絕美影像 因而榮獲殊榮 享譽盛名

輕閉雙眼 再次慢慢張開 你將緊擁眼前一切 宛如新生 深呼吸 啜飲存在的甘露 或許 我們 無緣再見明日朝陽

悲傷重擊當前 當誓願不再餵養過去夢魘 應任其消解

我無從得知 花園裡即將盛放的花朵 讓咱靜候 喜悅滿盈 也許啊也許 是玫瑰滿園 我是如此地迎接未知的到來

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